Environmental and water management permits for the Kemi bioproduct become legally binding

Written on 02/15/2024
François HENIN

The Supreme Administrative Court, by its decision on February 14, 2024, dismissed the appeal made against the environmental permit package for Metsä Group’s Kemi bioproduct mill, as well as the appeal regarding the decision on the environmental permit package issued by the Vaasa Administrative Court on November 14, 2022. Consequently, the environmental and water permits for the Kemi bioproduct mill have become legally binding on February 14, 2024.

Production at the Kemi bioproduct mill started in September 2023 and the mill will annually produce 1.02 million tonnes of softwood pulp, 300 000 tonnes of hardwood pulp, 80 000 tonnes of biochemicals and 2 000 GWh of renewable electricity. The mill operates entirely without fossil fuels and has an electricity self-sufficiency of 250%.