Valmet publishes Green Finance Framework

Written on 03/01/2024
François HENIN

Valmet has established a Green Finance Framework applicable for the issuance of green debt instruments to further integrate its ambitious sustainability targets into its financing.

The Green Finance Framework is designed to support financing or refinancing eligible assets and expenditures that promote two key environmental objectives: enabling transition to a circular economy and mitigating climate change.

In Valmet’s framework, eligible assets and expenditures are divided into two categories: Valmet’s services that enable extending the lifetime of Valmet’s products in customer use and Valmet’s solutions that enable significant greenhouse gas emission reductions, supporting customers in the green transition.

“Our technologies and services enable Valmet’s customers to convert renewable resources into sustainable products, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote circularity. The Green Finance Framework supports us in this mission and enables us to allocate capital to activities that enhance the green transition,” says Katri Hokkanen, CFO, Valmet.

Valmet has established a green finance committee to ensure the green financing will be directed to activities that meet the eligibility criteria in the Green Finance Framework. Valmet will publish Green Finance Report including allocation of proceeds and impact reporting annually as long as there are Green Financing outstanding or until full allocation of proceeds. 

Valmet’s Green Finance Framework has received an independent second party opinion from ISS ESG, confirming the alignment of the framework with the Green Loan Principles 2023 and the Green Bond Principles 2021. Nordea acted as advisor on the establishment of the framework. The Green Finance Framework and the second party opinion are available on Valmet’s website.